A lot of you have asked me for online classes; something that fills the gaps between my various workshops. I always feel that there is never enough time for me to talk about some very fundamental things and to answer many of the questions that you have.

  • How do I prepare a score from a purely conducting point-of-view?
  • How do I practice?
  • How can I be more aware of the problems in the score and solve them through my preparation?
  • How we translate our musical ideas into physical gesture, how we can become our own best ‘teachers’ resolving problems on the podium, how to structure a rehearsal and how to arrive at a cogent interpretation are at the core of this course.

I will offer a bar-by-bar view of how I prepare a score that will help conductors working with every type of orchestra from community and youth groups to professional orchestras.

Each session will last for 2 hours.

  • October 20th Debussy Prelude à l’après-midi d’une faune
  • October 27th Brahms Haydn Variations
  • November 3rd Copland Appalachian Spring ( full orchestral version)
  • November 24th Beethoven Symphony No.3